We’re excited to share our collaboration with the Verein ScienceCenter-Network! The Science Center Network is a nationwide organization in Austria that serves as a hub for interactive science engagement. By combining practice, research, and networking, they create spaces where scientific ideas and knowledge come to life through interaction and dialogue.
Over the past year, we’ve had the opportunity to exchange ideas and expertise with their fantastic team, particularly in projects tackling climate change. One inspiring example is their “Klima-Wissens°werkstatt” project. This initiative focuses on co-developing methods and activities to enable inclusive and interactive discussions on climate and sustainability. Scientists, science communicators, and community representatives come together to create a shared understanding of these important topics. We had the opportunity to participate and gain valuable insights from their inclusive approach. Another highlight was our participation in the “Come Together” co-creation workshop, a two-day program dedicated to designing and running educational activities on climate and the environment for vulnerable adults. This was a valuable opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, experiment with new methods, and explore how to co-create meaningful climate communication strategies.
In addition to these exchanges, we’ve supported the Science Center Network by sharing our expertise in visualization techniques to help bring complex scientific ideas to life in engaging ways. For example, in their “Klima°Rad” project, we contributed ideas for effective and compelling visual data communication. This project takes science directly to the people by offering low-threshold science education in Vienna’s parks and public spaces. Through interactive activities and open dialogue on climate and sustainability issues, the climate crisis becomes more tangible and easier to understand.
We look forward to continuing this collaboration and learning even more from the Science Center Network’s innovative approach to interactive science communication!
Reseach Group Visualization & Data Analysis
University of Vienna
Sensengasse 6, 1090 Vienna