The project explores how charts related to climate change and COVID-19 are created and understood by researchers and public audiences using perspectives and methods from Computer Science and Science & Technology Studies.
More and more decision making in society and politics is supported by intelligent and complex models (ICM). This project explores ways to better engage the electorate in this process by developing interpretable and explainable ICMs and informing the public about how these systems are used.
Our CHI'25 paper examines the gap between how chart creators encode messages and how readers interpret them, highlighting challenges in chart comprehension and offering design insights for more effective data communication.
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How do Digital Natives make sense of crisis maps? Our CHI'25 paper explores their engagement with these crucial visual tools, identifying key activities and discussing the impact of friction.
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What makes a data visualization effective for different audiences? Our recent workshop in Vienna brought together experts to discuss engagement, trust and more.
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We're excited to share our collaboration with the Verein ScienceCenter-Network! The Science Center Network is a nationwide organization in Austria that serves as a hub for interactive science engagement. ...
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We are happy to announce that Timothée Schmude's paper was accepted to the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies!
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Laura Koesten is Co-PI of this research project, which is exploring the impacts of different visualizations of climate change data.
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Laura Koesten and Kathleen Gregory recently conducted a workshop on "Human-Centered Data Discovery" for the Data Curation Network.
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We are happy to share that Laura Koesten, PI of the Talking Charts project, has been interviewed by Markus Hengstschläger about her work in the program Spontan gefragt.
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On June 15th, Laura Lotteraner, Regina Schuster, and Judith Staudner hosted a workshop on visualizing social media data at FMS im Zentrum, a public school in Vienna."
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On Sept. 01, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m., Jen Christiansen of Scientific American will give a talk on "Special Considerations for Science Graphics (from a journalist's point of view)."
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Timothée's paper “On the Impact of Explanations on Understanding of Algorithmic Decision-Making” was accepted at ACM FAccT 2023! On the 14th of June, Timothée will present the paper at the conference’s venue in Chicago.
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Regina just presented her paper “'The main message is
that sustainability would help' -- Reflections on takeaway messages of climate change data
visualizations" at the CHI 2023 Workshop on HCI for Climate Change: Imagining Sustainable
Futures in Hamburg.
On September 21st we hosted our first Talking Charts Team Workshop.
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We are excited that Regina Schuster has joined our team as a PhD candidate!
On May 23rd Laura Koesten and Kathleen Gregory will be giving a talk on "Talking Charts: How are everyday visualisations produced and understood?"
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We are hiring for six exciting new PhD positions at the University of Vienna, Austria.
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Our projects will be starting on the 1st of November 2021.
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We are happy that Kathleen Gregory has joined our team at the University of Vienna!